The CGI animated film’s plot revolves around a young humpback whale named Vincent, who must face his fears when a monstrous creature breaks out of a melting iceberg. Together with his companions, he ventures into the deepest seas to save the oceans from destruction with the help of his mystical song.
The exciting and touching story about the young humpback whale Vincent and his friends is a hit with children and parents alike. It’s about self-discovery, courage and friendship, but ultimately about saving the oceans.
In addition to the feature film, which is expected to be released at the end of 2025, a TV series is planned (with an expected TV launch in 2026) as well as a second film. A video game for all leading consoles and PC is also in development. In collaboration with a major global marine conservation organisation, the film’s producers will develop a series of activities to inspire young and older audiences worldwide and raise their environmental awareness.
The film’s realism, the numerous lovingly animated characters, and the world in which Vincent and his companions embark on thrilling adventures provide optimal conditions for successful licensing with selected product and promotion partners.