The magical adventure continues! The film adaptation of Margit Auer’s bestselling children’s book series featuring illustrations by Nina Dulleck, Die Schule der magischen Tiere (School of Magical Animals), was an astounding success, selling over 1.7 million tickets and winning two “Lolas” (German Film Awards for the film with highest attendance and for the best visual effects). On September 29, 2022, Part 2 of the series premiered on the big screen to continue the success story.
The film rose immediately to number one on the German movie charts.

Premiering on 741 screens, “School of Magical Animals 2” was the biggest and most successful film release in 2022 and the biggest release of a German film in almost five years – with more than 2.7 million visitors so far (status: February 2023).

The release of two more films, each to feature new animals, is planned by 2025 in co-production with LEONINE Studios. Part 3 will hit the big screen on September 26, 2024. Beyond the feature films, a TV series (2026), a casting show, and live concerts promise continuous media exposure for the franchise through 2028.

Kordes & Kordes Film

Licensing Target Groups
Children from 6-12 years and fans of the book series


License Categories
Textiles & Accessories, Home & Living, Toys & Games, Stationary, Food, etc.

Current License Partners

  • Heunec: Plush
  • InterNestor: Cakes & Cupcakes
  • Kosmos: Master Toy Partner
  • Schleich: Figures
  • Schott Music: Songbooks
  • Tex-ass: Apparel
  • Textildruck Europa: Official online shop of the film series, Merchandise on Demand
  • Warimex / Awave: Household goods + Beauty & Care
  • Winning Moves

Successful book series, 2 feature films, further films and media productions in preparation, continuous media presence planned until at least 2028


These films highlight the issues kids can face at school, from bullies to friends and finding the strength to be your true self. The animals guide their chosen human partners through all manner of troubles. Even if, at first, some kids are not so enthusiastic about their animal, in the end, these loveable creatures prove to us all that, like their young companions, there’s more to them than meets the eye.